Sicheng Hao

- SYSU, software engineering, 2021-now

- SCU, computer science and technology, 2017-2021


I am a graduate student working on software engineering at the Inplus Lab of Sun Yat-sen University. My research interests include software security, program analysis and smart contracts. Now, I am supervised by Associate Prof. Yuhong Nan and Prof. Zibin Zheng, co-working with many awesome lab fellows. Meanwhile, based on soft programs of our lab, I have been drawing much effort on the digital economy and data assets.

Research Publication

[ASE'23] SmartCoCo: Checking Comment-code Inconsistency in Smart Contracts via Constraint Propagation and Binding.
Sicheng Hao, Yuhong Nan, Zibin Zheng, Xiaohui Liu.
PDF, Code, Slide

[FSE'24] SmartAxe: Detecting Cross-Chain Vulnerabilities in Bridge Smart Contracts via Fine-Grained Static Analysis.
Zeqin Liao, Henglong Liang, Yuhong Nan, Sicheng Hao, Zibin Zheng, Juan Zhai, Jiajing Wu.
PDF, Code

[ISSTA'23] SmartState: Detecting State-Reverting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts via Fine-Grained State-Dependency Analysis.
Zeqin Liao, Sicheng Hao, Yuhong Nan, Zibin Zheng.
PDF, Code, Slide(My Version)

Project & Program

Including Science Reseach, Soft programs, Engineering projects. Due to business, copyright, and data privacy, only few information can be listed. If you are interesting, you can contact with corresponding departments or companies. More in the Chinese homepage.

[Soft Project, Data Assets] Research on Data Capitalization Strategy in Shenzhen.
Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology. 2022-2024. FYI.

[Reaseach, Smart Contract] Consistency and Security in Smart contract.
Webank. 2021-2023. FYI.

[Soft Project, Data Assets] White Paper: Power Data Valuation.
China South Grid. 2022-2023. FYI.

[Soft Project, Digitalization] Building Digitalization Center in Lijiao.
Zhuguang Holdings. 2021-2022.

[Soft Project, Digitalization] Digital Economy Development in Nanhai.
Nanhai, Foshan. 2021-2022.



Programming Languages: Python for research, C/C++ for program contests, C# for MS tools, JavaScript for Web. Ocaml for PL-related tasks and fun.
Nature Languages: Chinese(Standard, Sichuan dialect), English for most situations. Some Cantonese and Japanese.


FlyingFog and its varieties are common nicknames I used on Social Networks and Online Games. Know more about this nickname.

I am really looking forward to learning cutting-edge techniques on program analysis and text analytics. If you have same interests or wonderful insights to share, please let me know.

A worm will turn into a butterfly, before one can answer "who am I".